I’m not really much of a dancer. I wish I were though. I like to think one day I’ll be able to dance anywhere, to anything, in front of anyone. I don’t think there’s anything in the Bible to support this, but I like to think of Jesus as someone who partied, and partied hard. Maybe when He wasn’t drinking wine, or turning water into it, He was dancing. I mean what else would someone who loves everyone– despite knowing everything they’d ever do or become– be doing? Not to mention Jesus could have been the best dancer to ever (moon)walk the Earth. Dancing just has so much in common with life. There are dips spins. It has slow parts and fast parts. Sometimes (most of the time) you look like an idiot. It’s better with a partner. You’ll fall, but to keep dancing you have to get up again. But what I’ve learned most about life and dance is how much it has to do with love. You see it’s hard to hate someone or something when you’re dancing. Grabbing someone’s hands and spinning around and around with them has a way of putting the world into a single moment. Eternity becomes measurable in footsteps and rotations. You don’t have any choice but to love and laugh, and hope the dance never stops. Bombs could drop, the rivers could dry up, the food could run out, everything around you could crash and burn– but somehow if you keep spinning it will all be okay. You see, like dancing, love and life have little to do with talking– or even the music– it’s all about moving your feet. “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” How will we love without walking? Walking through the trials, with the people, towards Jesus– this is love. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us until He walked to the cross in the name of love and died so we could live. Our words will only go so far before they must manifest themselves in our hands and our feet and turn to action. We can only plan life for so long before we must live it. We can only talk about love for so long before we must do something about it. We can only listen to the music for so long until we begin to move our feet and dance.

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