I can’t tell you how long I’ve longed to feel a warm Nicaraguan breeze on my face again (Well, actually It’s been about a year). It’s hard to say just how much my heart has missed this place and the people who inhabit it.

But this time is different.

There are only four of us this first week we’re down here. It’s not people I know super well either. In no way was I expecting our team to end up so small. This trip will be nothing like it was last year– nor will it be like any trip I’ve ever been on before.

It’s different.

But if there’s anything I’ve learned so far it’s that God is a creator, not a duplicator. He’s a maker, not a replicator. No sunset I’ve seen has ever looked the same. I’m told that no snowflake looks alike– although I’ve never had the time or patience to examine them all. I have seen enough snow to know if it’s true, that no snowflake is alike, God must have a lot of time invested in snow. And if He puts so much time into something that will melt in the (unpredictable) Georgia heat the next day, I can only imagine the workmanship that goes into something like people (which take a little longer to melt in the Georgia sun).

I don’t think any two things He’s ever created have been alike. That’s why this trip will be different. He’s coloring it as careful as a sunset, and crafting it as masterfully as He does a snowflake.

After all it’s His mission and He will make it His own.