Sun’s up, sweat’s pouring, the wind’s blowing, and all is well here in Nicaragua.
Today has been a relaxing day of packing and preparation for our four-day journey into the mountains tomorrow. We had more than enough time to lounge around at the pool and talk (and get sunburned).
We needed it too.
I’ve come to learn the first night of a mission trip is always dedicated to trying to figure out the multitudes of strange noises, and trying not to think about the reasons why there need to be guards walking around with 12 gauge Mossberg Defenders all night (for the non-gun-savvy people out there that thing would easily blow a hole the size of a cantaloupe in you). Even though sleeping in wasn’t an option, the mid-afternoon naps in hammocks were more than welcome.
Although, as much as I like resting– there was too much “doing nothing” for my liking. I Know God said: “Be still and know that I am God.” but I’d much rather move around and know that He is God. I think God sometimes tells us to be still so He has some time to move before He has to worry about us getting in the way. You see God likes to come up these super-awesome-secret plans and not tell anybody about them until just the right time. I don’t think He lets us in on them until He has gone and made sure there’s nothing we can screw up. We’re only a couple of weeks away from having a new baby brother in the house, so the last month or so we’ve been “baby-proofing” the house. I think it’s kind of the same way with God and us. We’re the new baby and God is the protective parent. He goes around putting outlet covers in and soft foam on the corners of His plans, and picks up all of those little things we want to put in our mouth but could choke on. He knows what He’s doing and all He asks is that we sit still while He does it.
So that’s what I’ve done today– I’ve been still.
Today I’ve sat down with God and good friends and have just enjoyed their presence– knowing that the best is yet to come. What more could I have really asked for? I would much rather be still in the presence of God than move without it.
P.S. I won’t have a post up for a few days because I’m going to be in the mountains. So hang tight till Wednesday.
P.P.S There are a lot of beetles here. A lot.